Including a visit to Pirita rand, the beach, harbor and part of the Olympic stadiums from 1980.
Category Archives: Travel 2021
Weekend trip to Tallinn, Estonia – 2
The weather was playing along nicely, and I was out and about with the cameras from sunrise till after sunset.
Altstadt mit Oleviste kogudus (Olaikirche), Tallinna linnamüür (Revaler Stadtbefestigung) und Mauertürmen, Luftaufnahme, Tallinn, Estland Lehmpforte, Viru Väravad, östlicher Zugang zur Altstadt, Stadtbefestigung, Tallinn, Estland Blick über die Altstadt, Stadtbefestigung mit Türmen, Tallinn, Estland Neue bewegliche Fussgängerbrücke über das Admiralsbecken, Verbindung von Fährterminals A und D, Hafen von Tallinn, Estland
Weekend trip to Tallinn, Estonia – 1
What a nice compact city with a lot of history. And the seashore is right there, too. Luckily I was able to pack the small drone.
Scheltenpass morning run
Finally spring
It was a long and cold winter, especially as experienced by the issues on the construction site. Besides that, it was actually quite nice to walk through snowy fields and white coated forests. But now, spring has fully arrived and everything is in bloom.
Limmeren gorge
Near Mümliswil moving between the first and the second of the Jura chains, a small creek has created quite a big gorge.
St. Josephs-Kapelle in der Limmern, Limmerenschlucht, Mümliswil, Solothurn, Schweiz Limmerenschlucht, vom Bach gegrabene Schlucht in Jurakalkstein, Mümliswil, Solothurn, Schweiz Ankenballen mit gelber Frühlingswiese, Kettenjura am Chilchzimmersattel, Belchen, Basel-Landschaft, Schweiz Limmerenschlucht mit Bach und Schlucht aus Kalkfelsen im Solothurner Jura im Frühjahr, Mümliswil, Solothurn, Schweiz Limmerenschlucht mit Bach und Schlucht aus Kalkfelsen im Solothurner Jura im Frühjahr, Mümliswil, Solothurn, Schweiz
Olten in deep snow
Overnight, the snowfall had continued and we even found the city of Olten in quite deep snow. Panoramic views from and of the Aare covered bridge, the central church and more.