A visit to a very historic town in Eastern Germany
Category Archives: Travel
Denmark 6
Denmark 5
Denmark 4
Denmark 3
Denmark 2
saw us sightseeing all across the island, following by traditional Danish coffee at the probably most famous coffee house of Romo.
Denmark 1
Road trip from Switzerland with an overnight stay took us to the small island of Romo in southern Denmark, where the ferry is just leaving for the neighboring island of Sylt.
Bolivia 2 – sandstone erosion
The Practical Action Team from La Paz took us on a quick sightseeing loop of eroded sandstone outside the capital upon returning from field work.
Rundgang, Besucherpfad, Valle de la Luna, Mondtal durch Erosion gebildet, auch Killa Qhichwa, La Paz, Bolivien Erdpyramiden mit Felsen auf der Spitze, Demoiselles Coiffées genannt, precariously balanced rocks im Valle de la Luna, Mondtal durch Erosion gebildet, auch Killa Qhichwa, La Paz, Bolivien Roter Sandstein mit Erosionsformen, nahe Valle de la Luna, La Paz, Bolivien
Bolivia 1
Public transport made in Switzerland but operated in La Paz – simple and effective!