Well I guess there was nothing exciting going on that could be shared for you – more classroom training, seismology and volcanic gases, so the first one was really a high-level synopsis of at least 4 years of university study for me, so I must admit I kept falling asleep a little, although monitoring a volcano through earthquakes is certainly something different than trying to learn from destructive earthquakes to civilization. My apologies.
In the afternoon, office day. Getting to learn park rules, fee rules, visitor center rules, library rules. I got a glimpse of the draft schedule for the coming two weeks, so it looks like after classroom week next week I will be the opener or closer of the visitor center thereafter, and of course we volunteers will be working the weekend shifts.
So all I could think of to share with you in today’s blog comment is really a view into the room, and I make my way throughout and also outside the bunk house for the Intl. Volunteers to get you an idea of what this looks like. So let’s start with the bedroom that I may or may not have to share from next week on. Not much to say.